Cast of Wonders YA Podcast

On March 31, 2012 Cast of Wonders presents a flash collection of three of my stories on their podcast. A Good Harvest, April in Autumn, and Molly’s Garden are available on their website to listen to or read. This is a YA podcast, and their target audience is approximately 12-17 years of age. However, many of the stories they have published are very adult-friendly. You can check them out at the link below:

Necon E-Books Best of 2011 Flash Fiction Anthology


Necon E-Books released their Best of 2011 Anthology on March 14, 2012.  This anthology includes (7) seven flash pieces of mine starting in Sept 2011 through Dec 2011.  Anyone interested in purchasing this e-book can do so at the following link:

Also available from Amazon: