
I’ve been on this thing lately, where I keep bouncing from project to idea to genre with no rhyme or reason. I’ve been coming up with some good ideas, writing some stories (mostly flash) that I would never have written if I wasn’t “ping-pong writing”… But I’m getting a bit frustrated with myself, because I’m not making any noticable headway in any one direction.
I’ve got a series of 3 novels gathering virtual dust in my laptop, a dozen speculative short stories that with a bit of editing and polishing might be worth submitting for publication, and I honestly don’t know where to start.
I’m not a huge proponent of astrology, but according to my sign I’m supposed to be an organizer… where did that go?

I’m back…

Okay, it’s been long enough since I’ve posted on here, I couldn’t even remember how to sign in!
Bad bad bad…

Anyway, been busy. Moved a couple of times, got a puppy, buying a house, unpacking (yet again!)

Just got word that one of my shorts is getting published in a zombie anthology (yay! more on that later…)

Having a bunch of fun doing flash fiction on Shock Totem’s forum, and learning that sometimes less is more.

Making a decision to spend more time here, because communication is a good thing 🙂